Tips for Making Online Shopping SafeWe've all heard how great Internet Shopping can be. You can buy things far cheaper, you can shop when you want to and there are no queues when you want to pay. With just a click of the mouse, shoppers can buy nearly any product online, from clothes to cars, from insurance policies to home loans. The world of electronic commerce, also known as e-commerce, enables consumers to shop at thousands of online stores and pay for their purchases without leaving the comfort of their own home. For many, the Internet has taken the place of Saturday afternoon window shopping. With the growth of Internet shopping, concerns are often voiced about the safety of online shopping. Below are some helpful tips in making sure you stay safe online and get the most of internet shopping. 1. Shop at secure websites. You can tell if a website is secure by the following. First, if you look at the top of your screen where the web site address is displayed, you should see https://. The "s" that is displayed after "http" indicates that web site is secure. Often, you do not see the "s" until you actually move to the order page on the web site. Another way to determine if a web site is secure is to look for a closed padlock displayed at the bottom of your screen. If that lock is open, you should assume it is not a secure site. The third symbol that indicates you are on a secure site is an unbroken key. 2. Use sites that you can trust, either sites that you already know or ones that have been recommended to you. 3. Always print out your order confirmation, this will include your order number, product details, delivery details including delivery times. Keep this until you are satisfied that the goods you ordered are correct and undamaged. 4. Check your bank or credit card statements as soon as you receive them. Raise any discrepancies with the relevant retailer first. If you see an unknown transaction on your statement contact your bank or credit card supplier straight away. 5. Never disclose your pin number to anyone and certainly don't provide your pin number over the internet. Your pin number is never required when internet shopping, so don't proceed if you are asked to provide it. 6. Internet shopping is ideal for purchasing those items, such as adult sex toys, that you would be too embarrassed to go into a shop and buy. 7. If you can, try and order more than one item at a time, this will help save on the delivery costs. 8. Try and pay by credit card, this can give you extra protection. 9. Sign up to become a member of a website, this can lead to a discount on all future orders and being notified of any special offers they may be running. 10. Don't get carried away and spend more than you can afford. To find more comments and links relating to this very popular topic please go to Adult Sex Toys Video Games and Online Games why your child needs a classical education - Those who think that educational methods created thousands of years ago can be abandoned within one generation obviously disregard that time is the best testing ground, especially when trying to determine human behavior. School Loan An Introduction - Student loans are an effective way to counteract the rising costs of higher education. The Demise of Classical Education and Where We Are Now - There is a serious problem with the minds of young people today, and the demise of classical education is a direct cause. Distance Learning - Distance learning advice and ideas how to improve your career prospects. What Is The Quickest Way To Learn Spanish - Learning any new foreign language is a challenge. more... |