why your child needs a classical education - Those who think that educational methods created thousands of years ago can be abandoned within one generation obviously disregard that time is the best testing ground, especially when trying to determine human behavior. School Loan An Introduction - Student loans are an effective way to counteract the rising costs of higher education. The Demise of Classical Education and Where We Are Now - There is a serious problem with the minds of young people today, and the demise of classical education is a direct cause. Distance Learning - Distance learning advice and ideas how to improve your career prospects. What Is The Quickest Way To Learn Spanish - Learning any new foreign language is a challenge. Dictionary Online Useful And Convenient To Anyone - The article describes about general knowledge of online dictionary. World Peace by Meditation the End of Poverty and Anger Stress Tension Depression Sorrow Hate - Eliminate poverty? End war and create world peace? The unifying field that Albert Einstein sought has been within us all the time, in the "unbounded consciousness" of the mind. Kids Party Supply Advice - General tips on party decorations and how and when to use them. Much Ado About Something Special Occasions Get A Professional Makeover - Tips and information on throwing a Hollywood-style bash that guests won't forget. Finding the Right Headphone for You - With many brands and types available, finding the right headphone can be very difficult.