Single Muslim Women Equal To Men Yet DifferentWhether it be single muslim women or men the Koran is addressed to all the muslims and it says that the male and female 'were created of the single soul '.The women's right as per the islam religion are the right to obtain education, to work and earn, to own independent property, equality of rewards for equal work, to express the opinion and to be heard, to refuse marriage that does not please her and so on and so forth. Women's dress as per the Islamic culture is based on the principle of female modesty, purity and chastity. Some of them wear a modest dress which includes loose clothing and a scarf over the head and under the chin, and some wear a burkah which is a complete covering from head, face down to the toes. Muslim women have played a vital role in the Muslim community. Early muslim women served the community through scholarships, teaching, nursing and other important activities. In Islam there is absolutely no difference between the men and the women as far as the relationship to Allah is concerned, as both are rewarded in the same way for good conduct and punished in the same way for bad conduct. Single Muslim women have certain restrictions in the society. They cannot expose their beauty; they should not go to public baths and swimming pools during the common hours where men also come. They must lower their eyes and not see men with bad intentions. They should be careful in the dance halls and gymnasiums and they should be allowed to go to the mosque if they desire so. The only Muslim country which forces the women to wear hijab is Iran. In other countries, the women are given a choice about the hijab depending upon the degree of faith they have in the reading of the religious texts. The hijab should be worn only when she goes out of her family home. A Muslim female is required to dress in a particular way when she goes in the public. A Kashmiri Muslim woman wears a loose pheran up to knee length. They also wear bunches of ear rings, the weight of it will be supported by a thick silver chain. On the whole, the women's modest dress protects the society from adultery and other illegal sexual relations that lead to the break up of families and corruption of the society. Muslim men and women must lower their gazes. They should not mix with each other. There is no dating, dancing, or mixed social gatherings in Islam. To help the men and women to find their best life partner without dating in person, there are many dating agencies and online agencies which help them to come across prospective partners sitting at home. The modern Muslims have become broadminded and there is a lot of understanding and little more freedom is given to the younger generation but at the same time the knowledge of Koran and the religious faith is kept under consideration. Single Muslim women stuck between talks of equality and restrictions imposed. Video Games and Online Games why your child needs a classical education - Those who think that educational methods created thousands of years ago can be abandoned within one generation obviously disregard that time is the best testing ground, especially when trying to determine human behavior. School Loan An Introduction - Student loans are an effective way to counteract the rising costs of higher education. The Demise of Classical Education and Where We Are Now - There is a serious problem with the minds of young people today, and the demise of classical education is a direct cause. Distance Learning - Distance learning advice and ideas how to improve your career prospects. What Is The Quickest Way To Learn Spanish - Learning any new foreign language is a challenge. more... |